Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Abruzzo Landscape

Abruzzo Landscape

This is the Original Photo that we used as based in
WWA August Project,

What do U think about the Change I was made before?

Mostly I play on the Sky...


Didik Wicaksono said...

You got a spam there... he he

Regarding changes:
1. You maintain the originality of the castle, which is good. People would try to figure out what are the shapes represents.

2. The skies are really good. You creatively mixed a new color to the original one. Which would create your identity. I like the way you create clouds. I'm still wandering how to make a cloud in photoshop :P

3. How if you create beam of sunlights getting through the clouds and hit the ground. It will create a warm feeling.

4. Or you may add a group of white birds flying to/from the castle.

eLizA said...

Yea.. that suck!! I already throw them into garbage can ...

Cloud on photoshop..hmm I think we can use tool there to blur the colour and apa yah..kalo ga salah bisa ditarik-tarik warnanya jadi ngebaur dan bergelombang..
well I haven't practice much with it.. just sometime edit background of my photo :)

Nice Idea .. I'll consider u're suggestion there.
I also think about the light hit the ground like in MILO Advertisement.. that would look Awsome!!!